In Anime Vanguards, taking down the Mahito clone is one of the most challenging battles. Known for its regenerative abilities and shape-shifting powers, the Mahito clone requires precise strategy and teamwork to defeat. This guide will walk you through the best techniques to ensure victory against this formidable foe.

Understanding the Mahito Clone

  1. Key Abilities:
    • Regeneration: The Mahito clone can heal itself quickly, making it essential to deal constant damage.
    • Shape-Shifting: Its ability to alter its form adds unpredictability to its attacks.
    • Cursed Energy Manipulation: It uses cursed energy to launch devastating ranged and melee attacks.
  2. Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to concentrated damage.
    • Struggles against coordinated group attacks.
    • Weak points are exposed during transformation phases.

Steps to Kill the Mahito Clone

  1. Equip the Right Weapons:
    • Use weapons imbued with cursed energy to counter the Mahito clone’s abilities.
    • Bladed weapons with elemental enhancements are especially effective.
  2. Focus on Disabling Regeneration:
    • Use characters or abilities that can temporarily halt regeneration.
    • Spells that drain cursed energy can slow the clone’s recovery.
  3. Coordinate Your Team:
    • Assign roles to each team member:
      • One focuses on offense, dealing direct damage.
      • Another supports with healing and buffs.
      • A third distracts the Mahito clone to prevent targeted attacks.
  4. Target Weak Points:
    • Watch for the transformation phase, where weak spots are momentarily exposed.
    • Aim for these areas to deal maximum damage.
  5. Avoid Prolonged Fights:
    • The longer the battle, the more time the Mahito clone has to regenerate.
    • Use burst damage strategies to end the fight quickly.

Tips for Success

  • Maintain Distance: Avoid close-range combat during the clone’s berserk mode.
  • Use Ranged Attacks: Exploit its vulnerability to long-range projectiles.
  • Keep Moving: Its shape-shifting abilities make it dangerous in confined spaces.


Defeating the Mahito clone in Anime Vanguards requires preparation, teamwork, and precise execution. By understanding its abilities and weaknesses, equipping the right tools, and coordinating with your team, you can overcome this challenging foe and claim victory.